93 million miles is the approximate mean distance from Earth to the Sun.
To convert this distance to meters, we need to know how many meters are in a mile. One mile consists of 1609.34 meters. That is,
1 mile = 1609.34 m
Thus, 93 million miles = 93 x 10^6 miles
= (93 x 10^6 miles) x (1609.34 meters / mile)
= 149,668,620,000 meters
Thus, 93 million miles is equal to 149,668,620,000 meters. In other words, the sun is at a distance of 149,668,620,000 meters from Earth.
It is common to convert such large numbers into scientific notation and use powers of 10 to represent them.
In scientific notation:
149,668,620,000 meters = 1.4966862 x 10^11 m
= 1.5 x 10^11 m (after rounding off to the nearest digit)
Thus, 93 million miles is approximately equal to 1.5 x 10^11 meters.
Hope this helps.
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