Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is the document in Chains?

In reality, there are parts of many documents included in Chains.  Every single chapter starts with either a handbill, newspaper clipping, quote, advertisement, or letter.  The specific words from Thomas Paine, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin help to give this young adult novel, a piece of historical fiction, great significance.  

However, I think what you might be referring to is in chapter 42 when Isabel finishes reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense.  Very likely this is the specific document you are talking about.  Isabel is a bit confused by Thomas Paine's writing; however, she loves Paine's idea that no one should be considered better than another from the time of that person's birth.  Isabel, a slave, understands how dangerous it is to believe otherwise.  It is the reason slavery exists.

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