Sunday, January 17, 2010

How is Macbeth doomed by his choices?

Macbeth is doomed by his choices because he kills innocent and righteous people in order to satisfy his own ambition and pride.  Immediately after he kills Duncan, he regrets it, and he fears that he has ruined his soul.  He panics because, when one of the chamberlains awoke and said, "'God bless us,'" Macbeth was unable to say the word "Amen."  He says that he "had most need of blessing" and yet he could not utter the word; this is a sign that he has lost the ability to be blessed.

Further, he chooses to arrange for the murder of Banquo and his son, Fleance, because of the Weird Sisters' statement that Banquo will father kings.  While he awaits news that it has taken place, he tells Lady Macbeth that his "mind is full of scorpions," and he expresses the idea that it is worthless to have gotten what they wanted when they do not feel happy.  He is guilt-ridden and wracked by paranoia and fear, and he cannot even enjoy the position that he killed Duncan to get.  One bad choice leads to a worse one and an even worse one, and so on.

Finally, by the time he orders the killings of Macduff's wife and children out of pure cruelty and malice, it is clear that he has become a monster.  The fact that these murders take place on stage, in front of the audience, emphasizes just how completely depraved Macbeth has become.  In the end, as Malcolm's army marches on the castle, he says, "I am sick at heart," and he complains that he has none of the things that one looks to have in one's old age: "honor, love, obedience, troops of friends" (5.3.21, 27).  Instead, people curse him and only pretend to honor him.  His corrupt and terrible choices have doomed him to such a fate.

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