Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is the technique used in this quote from To Kill A Mockingbird when Scout finally meets Boo:"When I pointed to him his palms slipped...

This wonderful quote and first real description of Boo Radley uses alliteration, a literary technique that uses repeating consonant sounds to emphasize words or phrases.  In this quote, Harper Lee repeats the “S” sound with the words, “slipped,” “slightly,” “sweat,” “streaks,” “strange,” “small,” “spasm,” “scrape,” “slate,” “slowly,” “smile,” and “sudden.”  It is a very effective technique that really points out words and gives rhythm to the quote. We see through this description that Boo is timid and nervous but, ultimately, smiles at Scout, who he just saved from Bob Ewell’s vicious revenge. Scout starts crying because of the attack by Bob Ewell, but she also cries because she is seeing the real Boo for the first time. She notes how disappointed Jem is going to be when he wakes up. 

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