Saturday, May 23, 2015

What is valproic acid? How does it interact with other drugs?


Effect: Supplementation Possibly Helpful

Carnitine is an amino acid that has been used for heart conditions, Alzheimer’s disease, and intermittent claudication. Intermittent claudication is a possible complication of atherosclerosis in which impaired blood circulation causes severe pain in calf muscles during walking or exercising.

Long-term therapy with anticonvulsant agents, particularly valproic acid, is associated with low levels of carnitine. However, it is not clear whether the anticonvulsants cause the carnitine deficiency or whether it occurs for other reasons. It has been hypothesized that low carnitine levels may contribute to valproic acid’s damaging effects on the liver. The risk of this liver damage increases in children younger than twenty-four months, and carnitine supplementation does seem to be protective. However, in one double-blind crossover study, carnitine supplementation produced no real improvement in “well-being” as assessed by parents of children receiving either valproic acid or carbamazepine. L-carnitine supplementation may be advisable in certain cases, such as in infants and young children (especially those younger than two years) who have neurologic disorders and are receiving valproic acid and multiple anticonvulsants.

Vitamin D

Effect: Supplementation Possibly Helpful

Valproic acid slows down the liver’s conversion of vitamin D into the active form of the vitamin that can be used by the body. This effect might lead to reduced calcium absorption, since the body needs active vitamin D to absorb calcium properly. Therefore, it might be advisable to take vitamin D supplements at the U.S. Adequate Intake (AI) dosage.


Effect: Supplementation Possibly Helpful

Folate (also known as folic acid) is a B vitamin that plays an important role in many vital aspects of health, including preventing neural tube birth defects and possibly reducing the risk of heart disease. Because inadequate intake of folate is widespread, if one is taking any medication that depletes or impairs folate even slightly, one may need supplementation. Valproic acid appears to decrease the body’s absorption of folate, and other antiseizure drugs can also reduce levels of folate in the body. The low serum folate caused by anticonvulsants can raise homocysteine levels, a condition believed to increase the risk of heart disease.

Adequate folate intake is also necessary to prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Because anticonvulsant drugs deplete folate, babies born to women taking anticonvulsants are at increased risk for such birth defects. Anticonvulsants may also play a more direct role in the development of birth defects.

However, the case for taking extra folate during anticonvulsant therapy is not as simple as it might seem. It is possible that folate supplementation might itself impair the effectiveness of anticonvulsant drugs, and physician supervision is necessary.


Effect: Supplementation Possibly Helpful

One double-blind study in children found that use of melatonin improved general quality of life in children on valproic acid. The most obvious way melatonin might help would involve improvements in sleep, as melatonin is a widely used treatment for insomnia. Another rather theoretical study by the same author suggests it might help in other more subtle ways that involve the body’s biochemistry.


Effect: Supplementation Possibly Helpful, but Take at a Different Time of Day

Many antiseizure medications, including valproic acid, are believed to interfere with the absorption of biotin. For this reason, persons taking valproic acid may benefit from extra biotin. Biotin should be taken two to three hours apart from antiseizure medication. One should not exceed the recommended daily intake, because it is possible that too much biotin might interfere with the effectiveness of the medication.

Vitamin A

Effect: Possible Increased Risk of Birth Defects

Both valproic acid and vitamin A can increase the risk of birth defects. The effect might be additive, indicating that pregnant women should avoid such combination treatment.


Effect: Theoretical Harmful Interaction

Because valproic acid works (at least in part) by blocking glutamate pathways in the brain, high dosages of glutamine might possibly overwhelm the drug and increase the risk of seizures.

White Willow

Effect: Possible Negative Interaction

The herb white willow contains substances very similar to aspirin. On this basis, it might not be advisable to combine white willow with valproic acid.


Effect: Possible Harmful Interaction

The herb ginkgo is widely used for improving memory and mental function. Seizures also have been reported with the use of ginkgo leaf extract in people with previously well-controlled epilepsy; in one case, the seizures were fatal. One possible explanation is contamination of ginkgo leaf products with ginkgo seeds. It has also been suggested that ginkgo might interfere with the effectiveness of some antiseizure medications, including phenytoin. Finally, it has been noted that the drug tacrine (also used to improve memory) has been associated with seizures, and ginkgo may affect the brain in ways similar to tacrine.

Dong Quai, St. John’s Wort

Effect: Possible Harmful Interaction

Valproic acid has been reported to cause increased sensitivity to the sun, amplifying the risk of sunburn or skin rash. Because St. John’s wort and dong quai may also cause this problem, taking them during treatment with this drug might add to this risk.


De Vivo, D. C., et al. “L-carnitine Supplementation in Childhood Epilepsy: Current Perspectives.” Epilepsia 39 (1998): 1216-1225.

Granger, A. S. “Ginkgo biloba Precipitating Epileptic Seizures.” Age and Ageing 30 (2001): 523-525.

Gupta, M., S. Aneja, and K. Kohli. “Add-on Melatonin Improves Quality of Life in Epileptic Children on Valproate Monotherapy.” Epilepsy and Behavior 5 (2004): 316-321.

Kupiec, T., and V. Raj. “Fatal Seizures Due to Potential Herb-Drug Interactions with Ginkgo biloba.” Journal of Analytical Toxicology 29 (2006): 755-758.

Lewis, D. P., et al. “Drug and Environmental Factors Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Part 1–Antiepileptic Drugs, Contraceptives, Smoking, and Folate.” Annals of Pharmacotherapy 32 (1998): 802-817.

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