Thursday, July 30, 2015

What are some examples of political parties?

There have been many examples of political parties in the United States. The two main political parties today are the Democrats and the Republicans.

The Democrats believe in many concepts. Democrats tend to represent the working class people. They support laws that will benefit workers such as the right to form unions and the raising of the minimum wage. The Democrats believe the government should help the less fortunate. They will support developing social programs to do this. Democrats believe the government shouldn’t control the social behavior of the people. The Democrats tend to oppose government involvement in religious activities. They are against giving tax-supported vouchers to private, religious schools. Democrats will also support higher taxes on the wealthy.

The Republicans see issues differently than the Democrats. The Republicans tend to distrust the federal government. They want there to be very few government regulations on the businesses and the economy. They tend to support publically-fund tax vouchers to private religious schools. They are against policies that take money from the wealthy and give it to the poor. The Republicans tend to represent the interests of the wealthy and of the businesses.

We have had other political parties throughout our history. The Populist Party was created in the 1800s to help farmers who were struggling financially. This party tried to enact policies that would help farmers such as having a bi-metallic money supply and having the government control the railroads.

Another political party was the Progressive Party. This party supported having reforms to improve our society. It was very popular in the early 1900s when Teddy Roosevelt ran for President as a third-party candidate for this party. Teddy Roosevelt felt President Taft was destroying a cooperative environment between the government and the businesses by breaking up too many trusts.

Other political parties that existed throughout our history included the Federalist Party, the Democratic-Republican Party, the Whig Party, the National Republican Party, the Whig Party, and the Libertarian Party.

There are also political parties in other countries. In Great Britain, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party are the two main parties. There also are the Democratic Unionist Party and Liberal Democrats. In Israel, the Likud Party and the Labor Party are the two main parties. Other political parties include Kulanu, Shas, and Meretz parties. In Germany, the two main political parties are the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the Christian Democratic Union. In Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party are the two main political parties.

Many countries have political parties within their political system.

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