Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is strength training?

Strength training, also called resistance training or weight lifting, is a type of exercise that uses resistance to build strength, muscle mass, and endurance. Resistance may be in the form of weights, weight machines, stretchable tubing, or body weight. Using resistance causes muscles to contract, or shorten, which strengthens them.

When a person creates resistance on a muscle, tiny tears damage the muscle cells. After strength training, hormones, nutrients, and proteins in the body repair and replenish muscles, helping them to grow. The damage to the muscles is called
, and the repair/growth stage is called anabolism. Building muscle has many positive health effects. It has been shown to help people manage their weight, strengthen their bones, and build up their stamina.

Types of Strength-Training Exercises

Fitness experts group strength-training exercises by the type of resistance used. These exercises can be performed by using free weights or items found in the home, specialized machines found at gyms, resistance tubing, or even one's own body weight. People can use a combination of different strength-training exercises along with cardiovascular exercise to achieve maximum health and performance.

Free Weights

Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, can be used to provide resistance. Lifting free weights has many advantages. People do not need expensive equipment or even a gym membership to lift free weights. At home, they can use heavy objects—such as canned goods, bricks, or bottles of water—to exercise their muscles.

Moving and controlling free weights takes great focus and helps people improve their coordination skills. People who have injuries or limited movement can adjust the way they lift free weights to accommodate their needs. In addition, lifting free weights exercises many muscles at once, even ones that are not being specifically targeted. For example, if a person stands and raises weights in front of him, the muscles in the abdomen and back will work to help keep the body steady.

Nevertheless, there are some disadvantages to lifting weights. If people do not use proper form while lifting weights, they may risk serious injury. To prevent injury, people should not lift weights that are too heavy. Furthermore, they should always lift weights—especially heavy weights—with another person, known as a spotter, to ensure they are using correct form. Other disadvantages involve the storage and cost of free weights. Storing free weights and designating an area to lift can be an issue in homes with little free space. Free weights can also be costly if people purchase multiple pieces of equipment, such as weight benches, bars, and weight plates.

Weight Machines

Weight machines are relatively easy to use. People position themselves on the machines, move a pin in the weight stack to the desired weight, and then move the machine by either pushing or pulling on handles or bars. They are safer to use than free weights and do not require as much coordination. Still, people must use good form on the machines so they do not injure themselves, and they should avoid lifting weights that are too heavy.

Using weight machines has several disadvantages. They are large and expensive, so most people must join a gym to use them. Machines usually target only one set of muscles, which means a person must use multiple machines to work different muscle groups. People who are not of average size may have difficulty using the machines correctly, and most machines cannot be adjusted to accommodate people who have limited movement or injuries.

Stretchable Tubing

Stretchable or resistance tubing is made of elastic tubes that stretch to provide resistance. They come in different sizes and thicknesses, which create more or less tension. To use them, people put them around a body part and pull on them to create tension. This causes the muscle to contract. Stretchable tubes are inexpensive, portable, easy to use, and take up little space. They can also target a variety of muscle groups. However, these tubes lose elasticity over time and may need to be replaced. Additionally, they can snap and cause injury.

Body Weight

People do not need free weights, machines, or stretchable tubing to strength train. They can use their own body weight as resistance to perform exercises such as abdominal crunches, leg squats, lunges, pull-ups, push-ups, and more. These types of exercises uses the weight of a person's body to contract the muscles. The major advantage to using one's body weight is that it is free. No special equipment is needed. Also, exercises that rely on body weight can be performed anywhere. A disadvantage to this form of strength training is that the resistance cannot be decreased. Yet, resistance may be increase by altering the way some exercises are performed.

Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training has many benefits. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a person should work out all the muscle groups to fatigue at least two to three days a week with rest days in between active workout days to achieve maximum results. The major muscle groups include the abdominals, arms, back, chest, legs, and shoulders. Working out a muscle to fatigue means people should perform an exercise with weights that are heavy enough so that they can only perform eight to twelve repetitions. This is just an average number and can change depending on several factors, such as the age, health, and strength of a person.

Research has indicated that the average American does not move enough and leads a sedentary lifestyle. Many people have jobs that keep them inactive during the day. In addition, many people spend much of their free time doing sedentary activities, such as watching television or playing on computers, instead of engaging in physical exercise.

Participating in strength-training exercises builds strength and grows and tones muscles. After the age of thirty, people lose five pounds of muscle every decade. In addition, people lose bone density as they age. Research has proven that performing resistance exercises can help slow or even reverse age-related muscle and bone loss. It can also be used as an exercise-based therapy and aid in weight loss, lower blood pressure, and ease conditions such as depression, arthritis, and back pain.


"Physical Activity: Why Strength Training?" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/growingstronger/why/

"Resistance Training." eMedicineHealth. WebMD Inc. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/strength_training/article_em.htm

"Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/fitness/in-depth/strength-training/art-20046670

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